Near a little lake in Temecula CA
P.O. BOX 50839
Los Angeles, CA 90050
Phone: 323 258-4434
When Jesus lived; people endured the warmonger crucifier mafia; today we suffer the warmonger nuclear mafia! Technology evolved to the age of computerized leisure yet, We endure the same social maladies: 1. Lying Lawyers, 2. Predatory Preachers, 3. Profiteering Physicians, 4. Malicious Merchants, 5. Persecuted Prostitutes. To avoid extinction; we must unify, dignify humanity, and stop the effective ecocide by our inept governments.
#LOVEvolution: to Establish #EarthPeace. Please be a participant, partner, advisor, associate, friend, capitalistic-comrade, ‘Financial Angel’, secret affiliate, or confidential contributor. I appreciative all and i beg you to share, because I care about Earth and its creatures; thanks. www.PayPal.Me/MrFunsun OR
Please: help implement #SocialSanity. Be a co-conspirator and participate in our civilized consciousness, we are forming an unbiased international network to organize our Governments 4 conservation of our Oxygen and Oceans! I respectfully request: referrals, work assignments, clients, people to coach, those seeking advise, or advocates . I beg you: please promote our peace plan: LOVEvolution.
ALSO as a capitalist comrade: I also seek funding; to conduct LOVE-INs with free music, food and drink. Also investors ready to earn interest and good will. (APR and loan conditions are negotiable) we can acquire apartments to operate ecologically, and also construct ergonomically designed, diversified income--multi-family housing, commercial developments. I have a Bank willing to finance apartment purchases with 15% down payment and an APR below 3%.
We Can live 4 longevity; Please try Kannaway products; our unique CBD's are derived from organic hemp and infused with a proprietary synergistic BiBong formula...membership is $55.oo a year to consume at wholesale and deal internationally, at:
All Kannaway products are scientifically verified for potency, purity of contents, and chemically analyzed for pesticides, herbicides or contaminants three separate times by an independent laboratory: these reports are linked to each individual product on the website. Cannabinoids: rejuvenate our bodies; increase brain function by facilitating neuron activity, and helps our social ability, with the pursuit of prosperity. Invigorate health by supplying CBD's to the human endocannabinoid system: enhance LIFE. A happy attitude with a buoyant spirit; reduces cravings and over indulgence in toxic substances!
Please Commit to World Peace: vote and work for Voluntary Generosity. JESUS said: “LOVE your neighbor” ...this righteousness can preserve Earth!
I enhance and validate Experiences: as a Verifiable Witness with testimonial ability, faithful Friend, Content Competent Companion, a prudent person to simplify complications whatever circumstances in any venue, as a platonic escort or romantic.
I can easily accommodate: your schedule and personal preferences, whatever precludes possible paranoia! I am available where-ever and whenever; locally in the 92592. I promise honorable confidentially; accurate accounting, honesty, and help; with any financial, legal, or emotional situation, negotiation, or mediation, with knowledgeable experience I can rectify any circumstance; and I am available to socialize and Joyously celebrate LIFE!
I logically utilize #Twitter as a social lever to Abolish Advanced Apartheid, end ecocide, and I follow thousands of reputable realities 4 #EmpiricalFacts !
Aloha all ways;
our contentment can be!
02-05-2025 OUR International right to Enjoy a Happy LIFE and a Happy Saint Valentiune's Day !
#LOVEvolution to unify People seeking planetary peace: please review this adaptable proposal to enjoy Fun in Sun, facilitate friendliness, and focus on Love and Justice.
Absolute Fact: The destructive threat of possible nuclear accidents and bomb/missle detonations; incites a subconsciouss insanity on all mortals! VIOLENCE IS OBSOLETE; Humans want happy harmony.
Realize: Cats swish their tails and dogs wag their tails to cool Earth while mesmerizing us to collaborate cohesively for peace and cosmic consciousness. As an American I apologize for our past and present lack of sanity due to Profit Virus's greed and violence. Personally; I repent, regret, and reconcile my life for my past indiscretions, I pray that my good deeds compensate for what I have done and what I failed to do.
Righteous Resourceful People can Live Lucratively, and heal Earth.
#LOVEvolution: SOUL-u-tion to Establish Equal Equilibrium:
I respectfully request all human beings to behave logically and mercifully:
Please forgive; tolerate the past cultural and religious violence of humans and please participate in a Bio-Cultural Evolution. Please; focus on future, conspire to establish joy, share wealth, liberty, and freedom! Every election cycle; the majority of US political Candidates make promises and blame each other for governmental failures. Then, America votes Red or Blue; while our suicide rate increases---which is absolute evidence of a supressive governmental bureaucracy illegally malpracticing. The Green Party is the only antinuclear/peace option; we must stand down militarily: so please Register, US Green Party to effect our planetary policies rather than endorse the current craziness plundering our world. We can be Global citizens cooling Earth to Live Long prosperously.
Bio Cultural Evolution; please participate in planetary preservation, generate Good-Will and dignify humanity!
LOVEvolution is inspired by all the Liberators and martyrs: examples are; US president John and his brother Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr. and later his Mother, John Lennon, the 77 Christians burned with their Pastor at a farm in Waco, Texas, Malcolm X, Gary Webb, and Tupac Shakur, 2Pak Shakur died unnecessarily; he could have had bullet resistant material integrated in his expensive wardrobe and he was unarmed despite being shot eight times previously in New York, due to state and US restrictive and unconstitutional armament laws.
All were murdered for advocating unification and social sanity to achieve Earth Peace by denouncing and defunding the; war-monger-nuclear-mafia.
Condense and cleanse your consciousness; dedicate your life to, peaceful prosperous longevity. Earth is dying from advanced entropy: We must; end warfare, stop pollution, and sanitize our sanity by denuclearizing!
I absolutely: object, protest, resist, and contest the legal diabolical disorientation of our country; both US political parties: are a despicable duopoly, Demopublican and Republicrat; both are illogical and violent, I oppose all who destroy our ecosphere! Every US President during my life; has bombed Earth into pieces to promote Peace. Soul rocker Michael Franti laments, “we can never bomb the Earth into Peace only bomb it into pieces”. Music heals humans and we can shape our society with true transparency. I witnessed, the absolute (LIES) = double speak of institutions: corrupt politics and laws profiting the Mafioso-military-industrial-university-pharmaceutical-insurance-prison-establishment-complex. Governments build bombs to detonate and unnecessarily medicate rather than bake Love-Cake.
I am an ashamed American: I apologize to all creatures on Earth; for the ignorant majority of USA voters who tolerate the War-Monger-Nuclear-Mafia by allowing, exploitative governmental and business operations directed by Demopublican/Republicrats. The United States of America was created for liberty and prosperity. We are being quarantined and walled in to the United States of America; because US economic equilibrium is neglected by the majority of its inhabitants who fail to vote. Also: Liberate Latin America No Border-Wall; a wall is an ecological barrier to biodiversity, a cultural insult: please end drug war, respect cultures, behaviors, consumption, and end economic sanctions to elevate economies and stop exodus from Latin America.
The world elite suppress people with police brutality, and slaughter innocents under color of authority! Demand merciful justice; vote, BEFORE- you ever; publicly protest politics and social conditions. Never riot: no destruction, violence is futile and results in more police brutality and more repressive laws; elections are nonviolent revolutions.
Since the days of Pharos: the masses fearfully serve the 1 % ENDURING starvation and warfare.
Earth is destructible; allow our words and elections to establish cooperative tranquility, stop Habitat Destruction! #Vote4WellFair #No2Nuclears, and #InterneationalCeaseFire :
Elect Earth Healers. Please brethren; Compassionate Capitalism works well with a social safety net: financed by eliminating warfare, ending drug war, and by taxing High Society with a 10%US Federal Sales Tax. An effective way to effect consumption proportionally with taxes; establishing equality and social sanity.
Example of American Aparthied is; the double-speak, acronym PTSD = Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; this term and medical treatments apply in extreme cases. The majority afflicted with dis-ease; like myself, have: Traumatic Synergy---Because: the Trauma is current and our energy to affect our global future effect is Synergized. Synsivatized Paranoia not a psychological DIS-order---OR Dis-ease. Better terminology perhaps: Synergistic Sanity; Motivated with positive energy synergized to vanquish violence for Sanity, neither necessitates an intrusive intervention nor a psychiatric prescription, possibly Medical Marajuana and/or CBDs!
Another example of lying double speak: The AHCA law is a fraud and grounds for impeachment. Considering the context and political perversion, which was fraudulently constitutionally validated by all three branches of US government. The Affordable Health Care Act was exacerbated by Rush Limbaugh’s (RIP), mockery of governmental feloniousness; he ridiculed America with the idiotic term 'Obama-Care' which mocked defrauded US citizens! Demand: Proper phraseology and logical legal terminology, an example: the---Affordable Health Insurance Act---this law mandates insurance purchasing for possible #HealthCare: IF approved by the insurance adjusters! President Obama’s administration: contrived this manipulative medical exploitation; then Congress and Senate, voted and passed this fraudulent double speak Law, then the US Supreme Court adjudicated it as legal because they judged it as a federal tax. All three branches of US government tolerate international warmongers; who utilize warfare to kill innocent humans and destroy our ecosystem. Another modern oppressive Law which violates the US Constitution: is Presidential Term Limits; passed in 1951. President Regan as well as President Obama, although physically and psychologically capable of serving, were prevented from participating in more terms. Less Laws =equal= More Liberty! Most laws enacted since the US civil war: humiliate humanity, destroy Constitutional liberty/human rights, exploit citizens financially or chronologically; prostituting politics.
Religious-Philosophical-Political research: according to JESUS
Pacifism; exactly same as the US Green Party Platform.
1. End Executions
2. End All Wars
3. End All Nukes
4. End Drug War
5. End 3 Strikes Law
6. Free health care: Universally free medical, dental, psychiatric, and holistic
7. Free Higher Education and forgive student loans.
Please register, Vote, and promote compassion. Green Party is on the US ballot, but we need more registered voters to qualify and participate in the POTUS debates. The voters need viable alternatives to the current diabolical political Duopoly. Register for the US Green Party! VOTE for whomever and however you wish; but, first integrate the US presidential debates, and endorse DeNuclearization! Help the Greens gain enough registered voters to qualify for participation in the US Presidential debates!
Please be co-conspirators and transition our establishment; with our election process. Please attend a local GREEN PARTY meeting or contact me to organize meetings and free speeches to preserve Earth; our cetacean comrades, and eliminate penny-less people!
Absolute Fact: Nuclear Reactors produce Heat, Radiation, and toxic waste. Radiation causes mutations; yet, depleted uranium is used as ammunition. Please research theWigner effect, and register to vote for the only US antinuclear political party: US GREEN PARTY. A President or state Governor: can exonerate all convicts in prison for NON-violent drug convictions, pardoned and instantly released to restore family unity and economy.
I exist to alleviate obstacles, add advice, and celebrate LIFE: I love and give Hug Therapy generating Positive Energy to benefit us all.
I seek friends; humanists, philanthropists, oxygen-air-ions, the ecological: to heal Earth by promoting Non-violent Love!
Unanimous unity can transform Social sanity and give Political Power 2 Peaceful People. My global endeavors coincide with all logical goals, therefore, together we facilitate our future. Please pardon me for respectfully requesting assistance…I seek friends and funds to finance organizing Free Parties and concerts with Free Speech open to public discourse verifying election results. I sell excellent quality products and substances, I offer logical solutions to complications, as we smoothly sail through our focussed future!
We shall Affect our future effect and enhance existences!
Mr. President Joe Biden, be logical, and become an ecological merciful generous gregarious Grandpa.
Please: Earnestly earn a Nobel Peace Prize; advert Human Extinction by establishing #EarthPeace.
These 12 mantras are a good guide for harmonious humanity!
Love not Hate
Compassion not Punishment
Cooperation not Conflicts
Bread not Bombs
Well-Fair not War-Fare
Health Care not Insurance Coverage
Solar not Nuclear
Ecology not Economy
Science not Superstition
LIFE not Death
Good (GOD) not evil (satan)
Eternity not Infinity.
WE THE PEOPLE: must Vote for righteous candidates; who will honestly serve society with logical empirical evidence: ‘Love your neighbor’ is absolute social harmony and global sanity. JESUS said LOVE your enemy and promised: “Live righteously; to enjoy a thousand years of peaceful prosperity”!
Bob Hope admonished in his book “So This Is Peace” ; “ humans have only experienced periods between wars, true peace means no possibility of war!” Wise compassionate words from Bob Hope who lived to sea a hundred years of life.
JESUS admonished:‘ the Law should serve humans; humans should not be forced to serve the Law’. Please realize: GOD is watching; yet, diabolical Governments are using executions and war to enforce exploitative subjection. I object, reject, abate, and condemn, all violence and prosecution of victim less crimes.
Please pardon my redundancies: on D-Day anniversary 1996, I was shot serving as a resident apartment manager in an south Los Angeles ghetto. Rather than enlist in military service: I am a minuteman protecting my Hometown and our Homeland as a good shepard. I have lived in, dreamed in, worked in, and improved the slums/Barrios of America.
About 2 am on June 6, 1996: while walking my dog I experienced the Twilight Zone by surviving an assassination attempt; trouble makers lured me into an ambush, when four bullets were shot at my head. I heard the gun blast; the first shot hit the fence, I yelled 'oh God': while my left arm covered my ear from the sound blasts and deflected three 45 caliber bullets from my brain. I knew I was shot; I could taste gunpowder, obviously, returning fire was unwise so I retreated, to secure my canine and seek medical treatment. Inspite of LAPD’s failure to arrest and prosecute my attempted murderer in a court of law: God granted me justice in the street. I was in an argument with a trespasser when; an approaching thug/shooter; informed me that I was confronting the shooter who shot me on D-Day. Rather than insult this accuser's word, or confront me, the attempted assasin fearfully acquiesced and apologized saying 'I am sorry'. In Jesus name: I forgave him, refrained from revenge or legal intervention and I continued my management tenure for 16 additional months. Until; I was phased out by a conniving corporation promoting inefficiency with corupt management, evicted all previous tenants who endured the crime beat to live in a cost effective happy complex. The apartment community corporation; received a $10,000,000.00 “Tax Credit” fund: 3 million to buy and 7 million to renovate the complex; then tenants were subjucted and suffered corrupt cowardly management; as current public crime statistics can verify and the previous tenants who survived the violence, can testify; and their wrongful evictions exemplify.
I respectfully request encouragement as I encourage. Togetherness eliminates lonliness and DEPRESSION; which percipitates suicidal tendencies. Anguished anxiety; suffered by iconic humans like Mr. Robin Williams, D or Anthony Bourdan who strangled themselves. There are so many other self-murderers who are overwhelmed and who wanted to feel: Love, hope, faith, appreciation and social significance: or they die addicted and early. Either way; suiciders abandon us in an illogical inhumane violent society! We must value all LIFE: to be fair and well; a governmental Universal Basic Income for essential equality #MortalsMatter.
Since the Pharos’ days: the masses venerate the 1 %, accepting hunger and warfare!
Earth is destructible; allow our words and elections to establish cooperative tranquility, stop Habitat Destruction! #Vote4WellFair and #No2Nuclears: Elect Earth healers. Please fellow Earthlings; Compassionate Capitalism works well with a social safety net: financed by eliminating warfare, ending drug war, and by taxing High Society with a 10%US Federal Sales Tax. An effective way to effect consumption proportionally with taxes; then establish social sanity.
Transition: (#LEO2PEO) Law Enforcement Officer to Peace Enforcement Officer; generate Love not financial fines! Tranquil polite policing; issuing warnings proffers Good-Will! Issuing traffic citations are financially oppressive and constitute Police Brutality! A stern lecture improves society and genders cooperative appreciation. Impounding vehicles violates due proccess of law; courtroom Judges are required for consfications.
STOP: injustices and oppressive laws enforced through police ignorance or brutality, and sometimes murder. Get smart or die dumb, State University or State Penitentiary, poor house or mansion, the choice is ours! Denounce the establishment not our exploited brethren.
Every one’s vote helps us enjoy our natural and US Constitutional right to have fun in the sun. Secret ballots prevent political pressure, yet, we can verbally verify our votes; wherever we are and whenever politics are discussed. If the majority vote for LOVEvolution, our un-hack-able votes can improve our global villages. Object to human disposability: reject; ‘American Advanced Apartheid’ which is economic discrimination. NOTICE: to all segments of society: we need clean air and pure water to survive; superstars, billionaires, millionaires, artists, musicians, rappers, hip hoppers, well-fair recipients, homeless, beggars, gangsters, thugs, thieves, politicians, members of all organizations or corporations, and all segments of society! If we fight amongst ourselves we are allowing the eliteand governments to treat us as garbage while destroying our ecosphere. How can you be brave, have dexterous abilities, be extremely talented, be beautiful convincing actors earning Oscars, or physically agile people excelling at sports, or smart enough to be a millionaire/billionaire, or courageously desperate to be a robber or burglar. Why allow governments to enforce exploitative drug laws and prosecute victimless crimes? Object and Abrogate; discriminatory and oppressive revenue generating laws, insulting our cultural heritage! I propose: #LawFare4FairLaws! Logical litigation can leverage life to logical-ness.
Whatever your endeavor: I offer support with; diligent accurate
analysis. As ‘Absolute Supervision’: I am at your service 24/7. As an intrapreneur: I can help organize your organization; build buildings, direct the attainment of your
needs-dreams-desires-aspirations; business plans to gain goals, establish future enterprises, or simplify complicated situations. I offer a unique non-prejudicial perspective with effective and
affective assistance. All offers, trades or barter; for work, play, politics, and Love are considered. I can help any type of business or transaction and provide whatever paper-work
needed: legally binding; contracts, receipts, and mutual agreements. I consider offers for compensation; even a percentage of what is earned or collected or earn an hourly wage. I offer
specialization in realization of your inner-visions. I love hospitality; I have a decade as an effective apartment manager and property supervisor. I can supervise any enterprise; I have
experience with food and drink, habitation, accounting, also providing vandal proof protection and security, I improve balance sheets and heartbeats. I have soul-full empathy and intellectual
ability to generate positive energy; thus, I help solidify win-win situations. My entire existence is invested in the Los Angeles area and Southern California, USA. I have reputable sources for
most services and many products to satisfy you. I know licensed professionals, business experts, artists, actors, and musicians, capable mechanics, I can analyze business possibilities, provide
supervision and handle completion of any project.
I seek investors, or financial angels, to help purchase properties and businesses especially apartment buildings. We can construct multi use buildings with ecological healthy hemp materials
that will ergonomically endure for a century, while promoting and protecting our health through Earth's vitality.
Please: promote Planetary Peace through Ecological Prosperity!
Please end all wars, feed our world and save our planet by Preserving oxygen, drinkable water, and oceans; we are all brethren breathing air from the same atmosphere! Please: we must;
FORGIVE and FORGET the past because violent revenge and retribution is destroying our ecosystem causing extinctions.
JESUS and all prophets agreed on NON violence: Gandhi said: “eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind”. JESUS admonished; “eye for an eye is from the synagogue of satan!” JESUS
also taught; when a person is struck on the face they should “turn the other cheek” rather than seek violent revenge. After the US 9-11 catastrophes: The United States could have turned their
cheek and ‘refrained from violent revenge’ while promoting Pacifism. America could have compensated for the past US violence, war, and slavery; by forgiving that horrendous attack on
9/11. I honor John Lennon’s, suggestion; to grow our hair and visually demonstrate for Peace. My hair and my beard are grown; since Mr. Lennon’s murder, as a social statement. We
must stop the War-on-Drugs to end all Wars: PLEASE; all people blessed with elections, vanquish violence by participating in elections and uniting our spirits!
How many more bombs and fires can our atmosphere endure? It is
dangerous to replicate the sun on earth to produce energy with this heat producing method (nuclear reactors) warms Earth while creating nuclear waste! We must safely deactivate all nuclear
reactors and weapons: utilize depleted uranium, and decontaminate nuclear reactors and nuclear explosion locations, then secure and store the radiated waste for a 1,000 years. All nuclear reactors
utilize the Earth's water or atmosphere, to stay cool and avoid a nuclear melt-down: internationally aggreed to heat the ocean or river by 2 degrees celcious; obvious evidence of heating our
planet. On Twitter; France confessed to returning river water 6C degrees hotter, thus, absolutely heating our habitat.
Religious rebellion, wars, and revolutions ‘WERE’ necessary because of communication and translation barriers, violent politicians, religious suppression and persecution, justified retribution
and/or violent revolution. The New World Order cannot continue to destroy our planet if we in the FREE WORLD, unite in #LOVEvolution and vote for Liberty. Voting: IS a NON-violent revolution
but the #Sheeple of the United States are afraid to denounce violence; therefore, voting for the Duopoly, or most neglect to vote, tolerating corporate thieves and war-monger-nuclear-mafia destroying
our natural resources with toxicity and heat.
Religions were established to promote peace and tranquility with the exception of Islamists who were forced to revolt violently against corrupt drunken ‘Christian’ kings and rulers who were
plundering and murdering good people, desecrating the name of JESUS. I offer sincere apologies to all people; whom the United States and or Catholics/Christians have offended, extorted, enslaved,
brutalized, or murdered: I am sorry and request forgiveness! We must utilize technology to establish social equilibrium harnessing AI, heal human dignity while preserving Earth. All enlightened
Moslem Brethren know: in modern times, Allah; would instruct Mohammed to launch a ‘WORD JIHAD’ for social change. Now honest elections---WORDS: provide a verifiable; non-violent way to eradicate
vicious governmental establishments; and establish enjoyable coexistence.
Some folks selfishly pursue a lucrative life, while neglectfully ignoring global desperation and destruction. 50 percent of eligible US citizens are not registered to vote. Whatever: reasons or
religious misconceptions, for not voting; it allows the minority of people who vote, advocate violent governmental and institutional vengeance directing humanity to destructive militarization,
nuclearization, sickness, and death.
Quote--JESUS: “Love your neighbor” and “turn your other cheek”! Therefore, hunger, revenge, warfare, suppression, executions, all violent people are illogical, contrary to Love, Logic, and the fact;
GOD Loves all creatures.
All humans can prosper without warfare which is bad for our ecosystem: but; we suffer “Diabolical Disorientation” instituted by the 'war-mongers' which enforces “American Atheistic Advanced
Apartheid” by oppressively extortive-exploitative laws and executions. Americans serve the ‘synagogue of satan’ obviously: when most Americans answer their phone or see each other; the greeting
is: HELLo! Why are people glorifying the home of the devil by saying hell-low? Cultural people could be saying and glorifying our eternal goal; HEAVEN-high. Live for eternity:
Our love, our Unity, our logic, and our righteousness is integrated to defeat the violent. We must control the computers producing heat, generating the information revolution; its inventions, its
machines, its robots, and its drones dispensing death.
Our economic monetary system is based on confidence; we must confidently participate in every election process; abate repressive laws and abolish Duopoly-politicians that punish people for victimless
crimes. End the war on drugs to improve our economy and preserve our ecosystem.
Please: No Border Wall: it constitutes a Bio Diversity Barrier. Remember a economic/cultural barrier; the Berlin Wall, was dismantled while the Green Party dominated Germany’s politics, coincidently during Regan’s presidency.
Humans are extorted to serve illogical laws; under penalty of imprisonment and death, to generate governmental revenue, financially devastating our national economy. Will Durant said; “you cannot fool all the people all the time; but you can fool enough people to run a large country like the United States”. In US courts: many Federal, State, and Municipal judges are inept and/or corrupt. A large percentage of US income is extorted by the IRS to fund our violently oppressive, war mongering government. Unanimous unity can dismantle dishonest murdering governments!
Many USA citizens are unconfident or too frightened to vote for
freedom: suffering and fearing; oppression, financial exploitation, violent extortion, imprisonment, or death. Today; US society suffers more than before the Civil War when people were
enslaved. Slaves were owned, housed, and sometimes well cared for by kind masters; now people are disposable, homeless, pennyless, and treated like trash. During slave days; some oppressed
white wives were treated without love; since they were not purchased and sometimes included a dowery, so they were suppressed harder than a purchased slave and were merely replaced after being worked
to death. Currently: The simultaneous existence of Billionaires and Penny Less People; is evidence of Legal and Medical malpractice, Governmental exploitation, corporate greed, and social system
failure. The US has more people in prison and a larger percentage of our people incarcerated than any other country. The prison industry is incorporating into private prisons to profit from
desperate criminal behavior; or drug use, while destroying our social fabric. I renounce the hypocrisy of American Atheistic Advanced Apartheid, benefiting mostly the top 11% of US society.
Terminator movie lesson: For humanity to survive the computerized technological revolution; we must unite and limit Artificial Intelligence. We must limit our computer dependence; limit
exposure to EMFs, reinforce our operating infrastructure which is vulnerable to Electronic Magnetic Pulses and we need faraday insulation for protection from EMP's and EMF’s.
Adopt and please help advocate a remedy for inequities and liberate LIFE.
Eight methods:
1. Conscription; random draft for all young
adults to serve a social or military style apprenticeship for a couple years.
2. The 10-10-10 Tax: The only TAX method which will equally and equitably tax everyone in US. Basic: 10% corporate or business earnings, 10% personal income/earnings, 10%
federal sales tax. Federal Sales-Tax; affects Rich/poor incrementally and also taxes tourists to fund our US social safety protocols.
3. No Minimum Wage; As illogical as a Maximum Wage. Voluntarily pay a living wage: generate good will; pay well to share wealth and acquire future value.
4. No Term Limits: Elections are term limiters; voting ends tenures or extends them; political quality must be free to endure. Limits on tenure; are not in US Constitution; this
violation of our republic was passed in 1951.
5. Guaranteed Annual income: Universal Basic Income; for people to be respectable, stress free, content citizens and consumers. Computerized automation grants humans the
Age of Leisure! Money decreases; desperation, psychosis, and suicides: please provide a human Universal Basic Value.
7. Raise motorcycle speed limit or issue advanced-rider licenses, for expeditious travel, to safely pass four or more-wheel vehicles. My motorcycle headlight signifies the fact that I am
passing you: please yield; the substandard surface of the highway is dangerous and assaults narrow motorcyle tires with possible harm.
8. Pay luxuriously all political office holders---public servants, teachers, police, first responders, for gracious truthful tenures. Public executives deserve extravagant pay and plenty of perks to prevent partisan and corporate collusion. Executive politicians should be paid equal to movie or sports stars. Becoming a Peace Officer or government worker should be rewarding, similar to winning a lottery prize; to reinforce instinctual integrity.
Appreciate embryos with well fair: sanity is a social safety net; also the abortion issue is secondary to the death penalty punishemnt. Why debate a fetus fate; whom might become adults and incarcerated or executed for a crime of financial desperation. All killings are abominations; humans executed or killed for retribution, even in the name of God: is wrong. Please avoid advocating violence, revenge, executions, know wars are absolutely absurd. We can be righteous people, all types can unify, whether religious, or modern, or logical, or self-actualized, realize: only peace can preserve our planet.
I seek exuberant experiences with, individuals of all types, people
existing contently, knowing what benefits their being, anyone seeking a true friendship, loyal mentors, progressive protégées, friends, affilliates, and business affiliates. Affect our effect; do not
be affected! We can enhance reality through: Music, Movies, Arts, philosophical politics, sports, integrating integrity in Business to cool Earth. Please; preserve our planet by cleaning our oceans
to save cetaceans. I have street knowledge, communal credibility managing and surviving apartment life in Los Angeles, a universal university education, knowledge of; accounting, jurisprudence,
philosophy, mechanical ability, comprehension of corporate procedures, and profitable business practices. We shall diminish governmental exploitation and religious hypocrisy. Our divine destiny; to
establish Peace with top international intellectuals and the corporate community, with; integrity in economics, ergonomics, and ecology. Positive energy, funding, and prayers are needed to free our
world from violence and wars; we celebrate LIFE.
Green Power; funded public protests against the Viet Nam war. #GreenPower was a philanthropic group that provided the funds for LOVE-Ins; to encourage, educate, and entertain future Peace
Pilgrims. Green Power provided: free food, drink and live entertainment; in the days of inspirational music, psycho-spirituality, and simple pure drugs. Love-Ins; gathered diverse people,
celebrities, rich folk, poor people and many musicians who protested the despicable ecocide caused by bombing Earth: while injuring and killing the Vietnamese with napalm and agent orange. Music was
unburnable and manufactured on two separate size vinyl records, each played at 3 different speeds. Dancing was preferred to vicsciousness, self-destruction and war-fare. LOVEvolution seeks Green
Power (people and money) to establish a functional Social Organization; to produce peaceful co-existence. We must harness the technology to conduct a Global #LOVEvolution. Our protest
slogan detesting the Vietnam War; is still valid: ‘the money wasted on war today; could fund a worldwide party ending hunger for today! Governments’
waste resources killing Earth: while facilitating corporate collusion and greed. Our World is being bombed into entropy, overwhelming pollution, accelerating climate crisis, funding nuclear radiating
reactors and ammunition. War-pigs destroy Earth, murder mortals, and devastate decency. PLEASE: Live art-fully with knowledge; that ART revolutionizes and changes our consciousness, transforms
society, and stimulates our spirits. Musicians, Djs, singers, dancers, meditaters, and producers; blind rapper Leon says: remix our future to
Appreciatively: I thank God and Mother Nature for your existence and our passionate planet.
I wish everyone; health, contentment, pure oxygen, and nutritious water.
(323)258-4434. P.O. BOX 50839, LOS ANGELES, CA. 90050
Please share GREEN $ POWER; celebrate cosmicaly with conscious contributions:
We at are appreciative, thank you all.
Please call or text (323)258-4434 or share information, associate, advise or submit an offer: Contact Us.
PLEASE: become a dedicated mentor, staff member, associate, volunteer, student, or benefactor to establish planetary dignity! WE utilze knowledge and absolutely help to preserve our planet!
Also i LOVE artistic people, products and businesses: They earn my #AbsoluteEndorsement
Want to know more about our Absolute Supervision business and services offeedr? Management to clarify any reality; improve heart beats and balance sheets:
Get in the clear and Remix the Future with The Blind MC LEON!
Health support with FAR-INFARED; The Relax Sauna; technology 4 Health:
Kunze Dental Group (310)830-4444 or (626)856-1700 13861 Amar Road, La Puente, CA 91746
For ecological and economical printing or packaging for any product:
Sales and Repair of computers and laptops with warranty; Murrieta PC, Carlos also speaks Spanish in So. CA. (951)366-0632
Website design; word press, economical and practicle.
Support the Whales of Guerrero; Katherina Audley, founder and director:
Dream Maker: Decorator; Musical Diva, actress, estae seller, mature bachelorette; Miss Kathleen S.
To Sea our inner beauty and visualize the True essence of who you are:
Another alternative to the Demopublican/Republicrat political Duopoly;