
Where to Find Us:

Near a little lake in Temecula CA 


P.O. BOX 50839
Los Angeles, CA 90050

Phone: 323 258-4434

Recognize Reality!

When Jesus lived; people endured the warmonger crucifier mafia; today we suffer the warmonger nuclear mafia! Technology evolved to the age of computerized leisure yet, We endure the same social maladies: 1. Lying Lawyers, 2. Predatory Preachers, 3. Profiteering Physicians, 4. Malicious Merchants, 5. Persecuted Prostitutes.  To avoid extinction; we must unify, dignify humanity, and stop the effective ecocide by our inept governments.

#LOVEvolution: to Establish #EarthPeace.  Please be a participant, partner, advisor, associate, friend, capitalistic-comrade, ‘Financial Angel’,  secret affiliate, or confidential contributor.  I appreciative all and i beg you to share, because I care about Earth and its creatures; thanks. www.PayPal.Me/MrFunsun OR


Please: help implement #SocialSanity. Be a co-conspirator and participate in our civilized consciousness, we are forming an unbiased international  network to organize our Governments 4 conservation of our Oxygen and Oceans!  I respectfully request: referrals, work assignments, clients, people to coach, those seeking advise, or advocates .  I beg you: please promote our peace plan: LOVEvolution. 

ALSO as a capitalist comrade:  I also seek funding; to conduct LOVE-INs with free music, food and drink. Also investors ready to earn interest and good will.   (APR and loan  conditions are negotiable) we can acquire apartments to operate ecologically, and also construct ergonomically designed, diversified income--multi-family housing, commercial developments.  I have a Bank willing to finance apartment purchases with 15% down payment and an APR below 3%.


We Can live 4 longevity; Please try Kannaway products; our unique CBD's are derived from organic hemp and infused with a proprietary synergistic BiBong formula...membership is $55.oo a year to consume at wholesale and deal internationally, at: 


All Kannaway products are scientifically verified for potency, purity of contents, and chemically analyzed for pesticides, herbicides or contaminants three separate times by an independent laboratory: these reports are linked to each individual product on the website.    Cannabinoids: rejuvenate our bodies; increase brain function by facilitating neuron activity, and helps our social ability, with the pursuit of prosperity.  Invigorate health by supplying CBD's to the human  endocannabinoid system: enhance  LIFE.  A happy attitude with a buoyant spirit; reduces cravings and over indulgence in toxic substances!

Please Commit to World Peace: vote and work for Voluntary Generosity.  JESUS said: “LOVE your neighbor” ...this righteousness can preserve Earth!

I enhance and validate Experiences: as a Verifiable Witness with testimonial ability, faithful Friend, Content Competent Companion, a prudent person to simplify complications whatever circumstances in any venue, as a platonic escort or romantic. 

I can easily accommodate: your schedule and personal preferences, whatever precludes possible paranoia!  I am available where-ever and whenever; locally in the 92592.  I promise honorable confidentially; accurate accounting, honesty, and help; with any financial, legal, or emotional situation, negotiation, or mediation, with knowledgeable experience I can rectify any circumstance; and I am available to socialize and Joyously celebrate LIFE! 

I logically utilize #Twitter as a social lever to Abolish Advanced Apartheid, end ecocide, and I follow thousands of reputable realities 4 #EmpiricalFacts !


or   mr_funsun@twitter.com

Aloha all ways;

our contentment can be! 

About Us

Experience Being eye 2 eye!

Help; Efficient Executive LOVEvolutionize #US Establishment!  

Hire an Ecological Executive;

#LOVEvolution-ize Global Village!

Aloha Amigos;

Who AM I?
I am who I am: I am a mongrel; I improve myself as I sanitize my sanity, by acquiring knowledge to philosophically politicize a generous religiosity to heal Earth.  I was born in Los Angeles in North America as a United States citizen.  I believe in miracles and I have witnessed the extraordinary:  I am naturally resilient and I endured many dangerous experiences.  I thank God; my ancestors, universal vibrations plus my innate intelligence and agility that I survived attempts to extinguish my existence.  I cordially speak, read, write and think in; English, Spanish, Computer-ease, Legal-ease, and I am especially proficient in the language of Love.  I love sexuality especially procreative intercourse which is the supreme and most exciting order of copulation.  I have been destined since boyhood to experience, creating souls for God’s blessings.  I love Mexico and my Mexican/Latino-European-International heritage but more significantly I embrace my birthplace: Los Angeles, California, USA.  Thus, in the future: I shall legally change my name to: ‘FESTUNIOUS FORTUNATUS FUNSUN’ in order to Americanize my surname; demand my right to be festive as a cartoon character while enjoying prosperity and proclaiming opposition to the violence destroying our planet and to confound computers by uniting the words fun and sun.  I am a content human loving life and exist as scientifically and artistically as possible.  I learned in US constitutional law class: a society can be revolutionized non-violently through its Art. Therefore, I love all forms of Art and artistic expression especially fine art, all music, theater, television, and movies.  The visual art contained in my photos are the creations of others. I exist artistically as an OVO-lacto-vegetarian and enjoy a Non-violent diet, I party moderately, I stay alert, I behave practically, and humane at all times.  I am clean, sober, sane, and have been arrest free for over 30 years since I graduated from the house of corrections with love and affection.  I offer to officially sell my time, labor, and ability to earn or barter for whatever; also I offer researched advice for all life’s possibilities or complications, I have a professional mind, well researched in philosophy, general knowledge, compounded by a unique logically legal perspective on all subjects and individual cases.
I was born and raised in Los Angeles, I enjoyed being a bottle-boy; I stocked soda and beer bottles, bagged groceries and operated a cash register at corner market at age 12.  At ten years old: I began serving as an alter-boy at Masses as early as 6 am; back when the Catholic Church was pure and the Mass was in Latin. At 14, I worked as a newspaper-boy delivered the local paper; News Herald and Journal then later in life, the L.A. Herald Examiner, then the L.A. Times and as an adult I helped my Mom stock newspaper machines for USA Today and Wall Street Journal.  A bugle-Boy, I played trumpet for three years in Jr. High school band then budget cuts in High School forced me to choose industrial arts and mechanics without a music program.

A book-encyclopedia-Boy voracious young reader: I worked, loved browsing and researching through books of knowledge.  While working in C.S.U.L.A. library circulation department, at a library exit, I survived an attack by an irate Iranian illegal alien.  A week later I apprehended him with assistance of campus police.  I was there to testify at his criminal trial, which was dismissed by inept Judge.  Thanks to cooperation of C.S.U.L.A police with NYPD; this vicious assailant suffered deportation. I eventually: shared wisdom as a World Book encyclopedia salesperson for a decade.  In 1986; billionaire Warren Buffet acquired World-Book encyclopedia company; in 1996 he ended World-Book in house financing and unemployed all home sales rpresentatives; he surrendered to the computer revolution, thus, Mr. Buffet effectively stupefied America by denying poor people financial access to home literacy through company credit and electricity free books!  Now; people can only order the encyclopedias if they are affluent enough to purchase with a check, debit or credit card.  Ignorance Alert: Britannica; the oldest English encyclopedia, succumbed to the information revolution and stopped printing verifiable Historical knowledge.             

MARITAL STATUS: I am a still a Bachelor; an emotional virgin, yet to experience Love, and/or marriage.  I desire to create souls; therefore, I am available to enjoy parenthood.  I seek a lovely lady to guide our future together as soul-work-team-dream-baby-mates!  
I welcome marriage proposals from all women regardless of economic status, age, race, religion, size, or skin tint; I seek a partner who has Faith: in a GOD of Love, in mother Earth, in our universal energy, in our spirituality, and in our productive future.  I have a primo personality contained in a well preserved body; I can blend with all types of women so any one who is attracted to me; I would like to meet since; Love begins with a ladies emotions.  Please feel my heart beat coordinate with your heart beat by hugging me: if you are as bold as love, contact me, please acknowledge facts; two hearts beat harmoniously together as one; and Hug Therapy effectively heals us!  I am desire to be dedicated to a lady who improves our society; I promise extraordinarily excellent cooperative behavior for our co-evolution.  With Love: We can handle any financial circumstances; as we strive for health, contentment, and enjoy cosmic consciousness.  Financials are secondary to our attitudes striving for content longevity while crusading for merciful justice.  I seek a soul-mate that will live, work, eat, celebrate, and dream with me.  If we love wisely our love will endure eternity!
If you seek help in absolutely any way; or if you can help people develop the contentment to preserve our planet with intrinsic intelligence and logical LOVE; please; unite to achieve unanimous unity!  

I am a Uniquely qualified Hometown Homeboy: I shall be primo Organizer for Southern California. 

I am an interesting human being; since boyhood, I objected to the Viet Nam war and attended Love-ins at local parks with music and free food, funded by Green Power.  I am capable of integrating the Green Party and registering enough voters to qualify our candidate for the 2020 POTUS debates; especially since, I have experienced the Integraton at Landers California.  My criticisms of POTUS are well founded; as a property supervisor; I studied his business philosophies, read his books plus books about him and saw Mr. Trump live five times.  As a Peace Pilgrim: I was tweeter-ring to Mr. Trump; proposing he join Dr. Jill and Green Party, as Vice President, before he offered Oprah Winfree his Vice Presidency or joined the Republican Party.  As mr_funsun; with over a thousand followers; I average 325 impressions on twitter per day and in the last seven days I had 2,022 impressions; I can network and organize our university and college students; then seniors, to begin the trend for election victory and Earth Peace.  When admitted to C.S.U.L.A. : I promised  ‘no Barrio Brian Drain’, through the Chicano Studies department, now integrated to the ‘Cross Cultural Center’ to include and protect all people.  I have done two terms at the University: completing five years and 168 quarter units, without being issued a degree; due to my opposition of executions.   I am a long standing member of the Los Angeles Green Party and I have seen Dr. Jill live more than five times and experienced a few healing hugs from her.  Being optimistic and predictive; Dr. Jill, Dr. Flowers, Governor Ventura, or whomever wins the 2020 GP nomination, we can dominate elections to heal our ecosphere from warfare, pollution, and starvation. 

The Green Party is the logical lever to leverage capitalism into compassion for humanity and our planet; because unanimous unity for social sanity precludes exploitative laws.  Please review my absolute application for financial affiliation:

Hire an Ecological Executive: #LOVEvolution-ize; Global Village! 

My specialty is hospitable habitability: I provide excellence in Apartment, Hotel, or Motel Management including Property Supervision.  I am University and Universally educated:  knowledgeable about, living space, food and drink for a Restaurant, Bar, or Night Club.  I can socialize and exist with people of all cultures facilitating enjoyment of their apartment/homes or your establishment.  I am a 'one minute manger' who resolves issues instantly with logical experienced decisions.  My operating policy is 'clean and green': everything well maintained and fresh; Curb appeal, proper product, accurate accounting, and problem avoidance, with happy service to attract new business/tenants while maintaining current tenants/customers.  I have the ability to supervise any enterprise: I improve balance sheets and coordinate heart beats.  Social acceptability demands compliance with all laws and regulations including US Housing codes, California's Health/Safety requirements, Municipal rent-control, Tax credit or section 8 rules; while adhering to your firm's standard operating procedures.  My executive capacity encompasses broom pushing to pencil pushing and a desire to ecologically serve society. I am uniquely qualified to enhance the ergonomics, economics, ecology, and ambiance for you. 

I began protecting the site of an arson fire; helped supervise the re-construction, then became resident manager of a 25 unit apartment building.  I evolved to supervise a portfolio of 2,000 units comprised of apartments, a 60 room motel and 2 mobile-home trailer parks.  I speak, read, write, and think in Spanish, Computer-Ease, Healthy-Happy-Habitability, and Legal-Ease!  I maintain properties properly; I promise to prudently maximize profitability and property value.  Please be inquisitive and interview me: I am productive; my transportation includes a mountain bicycle, a Harley motorcycle, GMC Sonoma pickup truck, compact Cadillac sedan, a Lincoln 7 passenger limo, and a clean CA DMV record.

There are 3 options to utilize my ability to supervise and satisfy all:  (A.) Hire me as an employee.  (B.)  Allow me to manage/supervise for a percentage of gross collected rents or income.  (C.)  I offer to purchase your property or business at your ideal price with .01 % down payment.  My investments benefit all: I shall honor current tenants' contracts; no economic speculative gentrification also I promise to upgrade and own long term.

To conserve time, space, and money: I submit 8 Establishment Discrepancies; which might disqualify this application for opportunity.  Unfortunately; my physical attributes & philosophical politics cause more discrimination than skin tint and racial heritage.  Society embraces racial-ness but rejects political radical-ness: I dress conservatively with a tie; I am civilized and respectfully cordial all ways.  I object to Diabolical Disorientation enforced by our oppressive Establishment, thus, promote Peace/Prosperity to produce contentment.   

1.  Anti-Establishment appearance:  I have "grown my hair and beard for peace" to commemorate Mr. John Lennon's' request to crusade for World Peace. The situation leading to his assassination led to my decision to be a property/business manager: the Hotel Dakota staff failed to check attitude of the murderer despite his lurking around the Hotel all day; good management controls buildings and occupants to preclude problems. 

2.   Lack of Establishment certification:  I invested 5 years completing 168 quarter units; a pre-Legal major studying The Art of Business at California State University Los Angeles.  In objection to governmental executions, pollution, and war mongering, I have; yet to earn a degree, a property management certification, or a business license.  I have managed and supervised apartment buildings extensively.  I avoid impropriety with constant intellectual integrity and respecting everyone's dignity helps me pursue our future goals effectively. 

3.   Low Establishment credit rating:  My FICO is low: due to poor and sporadic income history; I have yet to acquire income properties, and I never established credit or used credit cards, thus, I have no established credit or utility bills.  Good Will is most valued asset, but, is not on the balance sheet because it cannot be quantified.  Please:  Recognize; I can increase your firm's Good Will, profitability, and my salary, thereby raising my FICO score. 

4.   Establishment profit: is secondary to GOD/Jesus, Fairness and Honesty; I respect the legal reality of the market place, while some owners/employers dictate exploitative and or dishonest business practices which cost tenants penalties and fees; lead to evictions and new tenants to pay new inflated rents.  I appreciate people and satisfy where I supervise; I achieve tenant compliance with friendliness and indisputable logic.  Tenants and vendors enjoy satisfaction because everyone appreciates fair, equal and equitable treatment.

5.   Establishment terminations: due to aforementioned characteristics; I have been terminated or fazed out of most jobs.  Short tenures and terminations exemplify my fair treatment of tenants/employees and my refusal to neither condone nor promote slum lords; exploitative or unhealthy working and or living conditions:  Exemplified by US homelessness and lack of Free Health Care.  My future career achievements shall be evident as I excel in a proper work environment where humanity is respected and prudent work effort is rewarded as standard operating procedure.

6.   Lack of Establishment worth:  due to a shoddy salary history I am not considered for lucrative executive positions.  Discrimination IS asking: what is your salary history?  And how much salary do you require?  The real questions: what is THE position worth and do I posses the ability to operate luxuriously?  Requesting salary history or monetary requirements is financial Apartheid and a glass ceiling segregating people to prevent upward social mobility.  I respectfully request an opportunity to enjoy civil respectability after surviving the murderous crime plagued barrios/ghettos of Los Angeles and Orange County.  Please: Acknowledge; any salary and assignment is better than none.

7.   No recent Establishment employment:  I was leasing apartment units which included a 12 unit bachelorette complex in 90037.  Recently; guarded 5 unit rehabilitation in 90011 then leased them up.  I am all ways prudent: I get by with odd jobs and generosity from family and friends.  For the past decade I have cared for my elders and stayed at friends' homes enjoying life with them.  I work sporadically; earn commissions and have earned extra money with a 1991 Lincoln personal limo.  I have been clean and arrest free for over 30 years; my last verifiable executive employment; ended 7-14-06 with Pama Management Co., managing a 250 unit complex in Los Angeles across from Dorsey High School. 

8.   Non-compliance to Establishment Extortion: by chemical DIS-crimination.  Please acknowledge Martin Luther King jr.'s admonition: ". . . judge my moral business character and not the chemical content of my urine. . ."  I vote to end the US war-on-drugs: it plunders earth, destroys human dignity; and devastates ancient cultural diversity with deadly vicious exploitative Laws.  Therefore; while maintaining alertness, I object to forced sobriety and refuse to submit to a drug test as an advocate of the US Green Party!  Also I reject any Insurance coverage; US Health Care shall be Free in 2020 with a Green Party POTUS.  As an exuberant professional:  I avoid tobacco, I promote World #LOVEvolution to create peace with prosperity:  first we End hunger; to dissipate hate, then vanquish violence, dismantle nuclear reactor/weapons, control cancers.  I minimize complications and avoid litigation.

I promise; my printing is clear and I am all ways prudently alert.  My integrity is evident and verifiable: I operated many cash registers, handled inventories and collected a decade of rents; amounting to millions of dollars$.  I facilitate tenants' prosperity with proper attitude and a willingness to help them: all ways; even start their cars with a battery charger, help change tire, whatever for mobilization.  I am available for an interview, employment-contractual negotiations or a consultation. 

I function with Absolute Integrity because I fear eternal damnation: Thank you; your consideration is respectfully appreciated, References and/or formal resume available upon request. 

 Robert Torres:  My essence and experience is excellent!


Enhancing Existences with Ergonomic, Economic, and Ecological Enhancements (323)258-4434  Hi My Friends,

Thank you for your interest; welcome to Los Angeles, the home of my birth and the home of my choice. I offer and promise to enhance your existence logically, legally, and lovingly.

I am available for a one hundred minute consultation or a life long association that can enhance whatever personal environment, experience, expenditure, or enterprise you wish to analyze for optimum efficiency.

Therefore: I freely will share three 'A' words of real world aspects affecting the effect of a businesses’ possible contribution to global warming. I can analyze expenditures and possible waste of your firm's resources!

"Aerator"; is an attachment for any faucet which slows the flow of the gallons of water per minute consumed by injecting air into the water stream.

"Albedo"; the reflection of sunlight back into the sky, that your building, vehicle, whatever we create on the planet. Because its color will reflect more or less sunlight back into the sky: for instance a painted motorcycle helmet would reflect less sun than a chrome style helmet which would reflect like a mirror and increase the albedo contributing to global warming.

"Aqua faction"; the ability of a surface to allow moisture to penetrate it [if penetrate-able]; for instance most concrete is impermeable so rain water runs off and down the storm drains to the oceans without percolating/filtering through the ground as nature intended.

I can help you accomplish any task, supervise any enterprize,

Negotiate-mediate-equalize-neutralize any problems,

Preclude paranoia with secure operating and accounting procedures,

I provide non-violent solutions for any anxiety, frustrations or threats.

I can scrutinize/analyze any professional service, sociological, psychological, medical, and legal, process or product you are receiving: in addition; I have reputable professionals/vendors that can provide any product or service to solve any personal problem or business dilemma.

I am at your service 24/7 with dependable vehicles: pick up truck, box truck, Cadillac sedan, Lincoln Limo, Harley Davidson motorcycle, mountain bike, knowledge of public transportation....I know California geography well and can transport anybody or anything; anywhere, anytime, affectively.

My integrity is above reproach and my references are verifiable locally.

Children appreciate my clarity of reality and learn to love their environment through appreciating whales and learn to strive to preserve our planet as they pursue their dreams of suncess.

As the band 'Grateful Dead' title implies: I also enjoy the blessings from spirits of gratefully dead souls; whom I helped enlighten before they entered the twilight zone of infinity and eternity.

I am excellently comradely with elders and youngsters as I am able to help supervise fun activities and guide their existences as we happily preserve our planet.

As Jesus said: "It is easy to see a splinter is another's eye while a branch is in your own eye"....So yes although I have yet to acquire my first million dollars; I have helped others excel in many ways both spiritually and financially.

How may I help you?

Care to prosper and preserve our planet?

Please kindly, Make checks payable to 'Absolute Supervision’:

I and the Planet are: Sincerely Appreciative;

Call or text; (323)258-4434

mr-funsun.com has been in business for the past twenty years and defines success by achieving the highest level of customer satisfaction possible while minimizing complications. Want to find out more about our company? Read what my appreciative clients have to say.

Please meet me at your earliest chance since our sky is falling because our oxygen is being consumed by war-fare and wasted with pollution; please promote human well-fair by voting for #LOVEvolution . We look forward to affecting our future effect with you intelligent input!





Robert Torres: Born 4 Fun in SUN!

Phone: 323 258-4434

Email: manager@mr-funsun.com

I am born to adore beauty

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