
Where to Find Us:

Near a little lake in Temecula CA 


P.O. BOX 50839
Los Angeles, CA 90050

Phone: 323 258-4434

Recognize Reality!

When Jesus lived; people endured the warmonger crucifier mafia; today we suffer the warmonger nuclear mafia! Technology evolved to the age of computerized leisure yet, We endure the same social maladies: 1. Lying Lawyers, 2. Predatory Preachers, 3. Profiteering Physicians, 4. Malicious Merchants, 5. Persecuted Prostitutes.  To avoid extinction; we must unify, dignify humanity, and stop the effective ecocide by our inept governments.

#LOVEvolution: to Establish #EarthPeace.  Please be a participant, partner, advisor, associate, friend, capitalistic-comrade, ‘Financial Angel’,  secret affiliate, or confidential contributor.  I appreciative all and i beg you to share, because I care about Earth and its creatures; thanks. www.PayPal.Me/MrFunsun OR


Please: help implement #SocialSanity. Be a co-conspirator and participate in our civilized consciousness, we are forming an unbiased international  network to organize our Governments 4 conservation of our Oxygen and Oceans!  I respectfully request: referrals, work assignments, clients, people to coach, those seeking advise, or advocates .  I beg you: please promote our peace plan: LOVEvolution. 

ALSO as a capitalist comrade:  I also seek funding; to conduct LOVE-INs with free music, food and drink. Also investors ready to earn interest and good will.   (APR and loan  conditions are negotiable) we can acquire apartments to operate ecologically, and also construct ergonomically designed, diversified income--multi-family housing, commercial developments.  I have a Bank willing to finance apartment purchases with 15% down payment and an APR below 3%.


We Can live 4 longevity; Please try Kannaway products; our unique CBD's are derived from organic hemp and infused with a proprietary synergistic BiBong formula...membership is $55.oo a year to consume at wholesale and deal internationally, at: 


All Kannaway products are scientifically verified for potency, purity of contents, and chemically analyzed for pesticides, herbicides or contaminants three separate times by an independent laboratory: these reports are linked to each individual product on the website.    Cannabinoids: rejuvenate our bodies; increase brain function by facilitating neuron activity, and helps our social ability, with the pursuit of prosperity.  Invigorate health by supplying CBD's to the human  endocannabinoid system: enhance  LIFE.  A happy attitude with a buoyant spirit; reduces cravings and over indulgence in toxic substances!

Please Commit to World Peace: vote and work for Voluntary Generosity.  JESUS said: “LOVE your neighbor” ...this righteousness can preserve Earth!

I enhance and validate Experiences: as a Verifiable Witness with testimonial ability, faithful Friend, Content Competent Companion, a prudent person to simplify complications whatever circumstances in any venue, as a platonic escort or romantic. 

I can easily accommodate: your schedule and personal preferences, whatever precludes possible paranoia!  I am available where-ever and whenever; locally in the 92592.  I promise honorable confidentially; accurate accounting, honesty, and help; with any financial, legal, or emotional situation, negotiation, or mediation, with knowledgeable experience I can rectify any circumstance; and I am available to socialize and Joyously celebrate LIFE! 

I logically utilize #Twitter as a social lever to Abolish Advanced Apartheid, end ecocide, and I follow thousands of reputable realities 4 #EmpiricalFacts !


or   mr_funsun@twitter.com

Aloha all ways;

our contentment can be! 

Please participate; I am a lucky Perspicacious Wellbred Peasant seeking people to enjoy  Lucrative Longevity!

My SEXual Desire is 4 progeny!
Create Souls from the spirits and DNA within us!

Presrve Earth with logical LOVE for all.

My plans for producing prosperity:

Southern California is the home of my birth and home of my choice; I am reputable, respectful, and reliable: All that is equitable is negotiable! I am appreciative: and prefer eye to eye beneficial transactions, cash deals, barter, or advance me the funds—through Venmo, Paypal, or western union.

All deals considered: Trades or reasonable barter. Whatever is on your wish list, I have gracious sources and access to products, at a fair price, Please be considerate, everyone profits with dignity.

I am a radical conscienscious objector I seek: clients, friends, counselors, editors, legal representation, housing, guidance and financing for business acquasitions. I can think and speak in Spanish and Love. I am appreciatively at your service; OxygenAirians need Unanimous Unity. With friendship and affiliation, we can affect effect: knowledge is power, purchasing technology to measure toxins is expensive and creating a stress-free environment, requires resources. PLEASE: purchase products, subscribe to my supervisory advice, earn interest on a loan, contribute, and appreciate.

Southern California, is the place of my birth and home of my choice.  I studed 5 years at C.S.U.L.A.: researching; “the Art of Business”. I represent quality products and offer concise fiduciary supervisory consultations or lifelong affiliations: I offer superlative analysis, accurate accounting, clean and green operating procedures, producing profitable Good Will. I am a brand ambassador representing righteous world class quality products! Realize: commerce can produce commerce income only if people appreciate the salesperson and product quality.

Please join me generating income and improve individualism:

  1. Kannaway: premium endocanabinoids. Become a brand ambassador; consume Kannaway's world class natural nutritional supplements with CBDs, CBNs, and CBGs. Effective products enhance health, combat aging, also beautifying beauty-secrets created and based on international science and infused with our ancient Bi-Bong Asian formula, which synergizes Cannabinoids. Created from .01% THC Hemp: this process creates an entourage effect; explore and experience it.  Over 100 products, even for pets. www.kannaway.com/6734525 A premier innovative, scientific and charitable hemp company; created, founded and directed by a Doctor. Together; we strive for integration of good health and offer income opportunities.  I am introducing, mentoring, and sponsoring people to build a healthier, better functioning bodily systems.  Our products are legal in all states of the United States and fifty countries!  Please; acknowledge science and utilize our non-intoxicating Cannabinoids: CBDs, CBNs, and instantaneous CBGs!  There are over 100 products and some include our ancient Asian herbal Bi-Bong formula to synergistically synthesize our Formula complementing our molecular structure and chemical composure.  Kannaway offers DNA analysis with optimized recommendations for molecular melding, (You submit a sample or other DNA results). I absolutely love and enjoy these products. Your: Open Invitation; help health with nutritional supplements; Kannaway’s CBDs sourced from pure top quality medicinal quality hemp oil: Listed in the PDR-Physician's Desk Reference, Independantly lab tested thrice, Non-GMO, No Insecticides, No herbicides, and certified by the US Hemp Authority. Energized and infused with our Asian Bi-Bong (18 different ancient ingrediants) formula to synergistically regenerate our well-being and RNA---runs fifty-five dollars per year membership, to buy wholesale, recruit and sell nationaly and internationally including a company webpage with a 50 language translator. Superlative supplements are conducive to productive personalities and lucrative longevity. Experience: endocannabinoids exuberance, exclusively enhanced with our ancient Asian Bi-Bong formula, infused into our organic Hemp CBD Oils, creating an entourage effect adding effervescence to your existence: www.kannaway.com/6734525

  2. Real Estate Acquisitions. Income property specialist: operate apartments and businesses, Clean and Green: I offer to purchase properties at top price with concideration of current tenants, also design and construct ecological ergonomic buildings.

  3. Supervision, Management, and Fiduciary services. Efficient executive services; integrate my fiscal integrity to supervise any enterprise. I maximize; good will, and profits, benefitting our global village.  www.absolutesupervision.com


  5. Investments in music, art, properties, and potential.

  6. SMILE :) Space Migration, Increased Intelligence, Life Extension. Proposed by the late great psychology professor Timothy Leary  Also space salvage and clean-up.  Space Exploration. 

  7. Facilitator: negotiations, mediations, and Translations in Espanol.

  8. RTD: Righteous Trip Department: Guide/companion.  I am a hometown Homeboy; I Love Earth more than myself.  I experienced over ten lunar eclipses and two Solar Eclipses; I am preparing for the next Solar Eclipse in Waco Texas. I petted Gray Whales; in Baja California/To improve our global village, I serve as an election official to verify voting, for over a quarter century, I assist citizens to participate in the Vote, a nonviolent revolution.  My passion:  I volunteer in a Whalewatch Naturalist organization also serve as an executive board member, I have helped save the whales for 25 years, through cetacean education of planetary preservation and watching whales watch humanity.  Many trips to Mexico, floated in the Good Year Blimp, enjoyed 2 trips to Burning Man; once Nakedly, I love positive energy, celebratory events, concerts, I am holistically directed! 

  9. 215-MMJ 420: Holistic THC to Celebrate LIFE, alleviate anxiety and invigorate our intelligent biological system.  Outlawing any biological organism: is illogical and evil; therefore, please legalize LIFE: end the war on drugs!   I have access to excellent Bud---MMJ; which can be soothing, or strong and stoney depending on you.

  10. Jan-Al Custom Shipping Containers: Protective (ATA) Cases; for musical or scientific instruments, anything of value.

  11. A righteous Billionaire becoming a benefitting benefactor; there are many corporations and people who have billion$ to invest, I respectfully request a billion dollar loan to intensify my affecting effect. I respectfully request a relationship with any of the 414 billionaires on Earth to establish an Intrinsic Radical Contiencious Objector's; 'Fundz for Fun'. I seek a one billion dollar loan: to rectify reality; interest payments at 5% for first five years then a fifthteen year payment schedule. First a ten percent tithe to a hundred people, 25 Twitter friends, 10 religious people, and 65 friends I know eye to eye, each shall recieve a million dollars which is totals a tithe, of a hundreth per cent to 100 individuals. The remaining ninety percent nine hundred million will invested in infrastrucute and companies that are forming our future with viable ventures, corporations, internet sources for socializing, free speach, research, businessess that heal our planet, organic materials for fashionable fabrics, insulated ergonomic dynamically designed buildings to shelter and prosper people. We can diminish the discrepancy financially between rich and poor by precluding the penny less people. Any gifts or hand offs to me over $100,000.00 will be tithed and incrementally applied philantropically to my billion dolar babies to improve our planet's health and humanities' dignity. I have a tithing list and welcome new friendships. Then invest; in. The Techno-King of Tesla: Elon Musk could afford to profitably invest and collaborate with me on a cooperative future free of violence and pollution. PLEASE---Consider commerce and comraderie with me; I love providing excellent products and services.

  12. Arranging Merry Marriages: financial and/or chronological opposites can compassionately, intelligently, and intensely integrate integrity. Generate Genetic Genericness: End endogamy; experience exogamy. Wealthy singles; ought to marry less wealthy individuals, mobilizing social mobility eliminating the glass ceiling. Social isolation; prevents peasants from propositioning prosperous partners.  For instance: IF; a super star married me, it would rearrange my romantic and financial realities while improving humanities collective consciousness. Affluent affection; absolutely elevates one socially and grants a proletariat prosperousness and possible progeny! When a young lady appreciates me; we shall enjoy fun in sun as we unify emotionally and socialy to electorally dominate eliminating ecocide. If a wealthy woman worth $100,000,000.oo married me; the prenuptial amount, could be a million dollars and if later, she selected to separate; I might receive a good bye gift of ten million dollars, a tenth of her monetary wealth for alimony! A familiar fiscal formula can be applied to every communal, emotional, spiritual and social commitment; all that is equitable is negotiable, whatever your social circumstances we can absolutely contractually accommodate, all relationships equitable equal comitments. A Millionaires prenuptial fiscally fair agreement and settlement: initial gift of a hundredth per cent to marry and ten percent in case of divorce. A formula can be applied to most communal, emotional, sexual partnerships, spiritual, and business commitments; all that is equitable is negotiable. Whatever social circumstances; can be accommodated.  We can arrange celebrations to create connections; especially for exogamy, called unequal yoking.  I seek wealthy people willing to provide a Prenuptial Payment to compensate unequal Consorting: which results in an emotionally balanced companionship and or marriage.  I invested my LIFE pursuing passions; I know unique individuals, i have over 555 contacts in my smart phone, most friends are mated, yet all are reseptive and appreciate of assistance arranging, friendships, deals, associations and or partnerships.  Passionate people enjoy committed living arrangements; most humans sensually love their sexuality.  Endogamy: Equal yoking, usually results in divorce and serial marriages.  An example my exogamy proposal, Dear sweetness: I love you, please consider; Merrily Marry me.  Your mercy, will qualify you for God's extra Blessings, earning excellent Karma!  We obligate and dedicate ourselves to serve society: irradicating ignorance and vanquishing violence; as we Heal Earth and fellow creatures. With God’s blessings; i desire descendants to upbring. Therefore: Superstars, movie stars, rock stars, healthy, wealthy; passionate or not, PLEASE; take time to transform our Globe, experience exogamy, become a non-violent vibrant village! Coincidently, i am still an emotional virgin—Bachelor.

Lessons for Logical Living: compassion is the foundation for LOVEvolution and blissful existences, as proscribed by JESUS, wise teachers, social directors, philosophers, all, Promote Peaceful Partying!

#LOVEvolution: SOUL-u-tion to Establish Equitable Equilibrium: 

Bio Cultural Evolution;  please participate in planetary preservation, generate Good-Will to dignify humanity!

Please Acknowledge; by abrogating the nuclear war monger mafia, we endanger our lifes. Un-employ the executioner, then, the killers will execute us to maintain the insane status quo of billionaires profiting while penny less people suffer poverty, sickness, and premature death: while warfare, toxicity, and pollution destroy oxygen.

We can develop a Hybrid social-political-economic-system; integrating the best of all Cultures, species, political and social systems!  United States citizens; please acknowledge, if you register to Vote; you manifest your moral duty. Voting is a necessary political prerequisite to publicly protest: DO NOT; block or impede traffic, unless voting is invalidated and absolutely never loot, or riot.  Violence and destruction destroy Social Sanity; only Love can dissipate hate, frustration, and greed. Therefore; we must forgive the past, through LOVE we become friends with everyone to reduce international friction and promote compassion.

Help coordinate consciousness with LOVEvolution;

A Bio Cultural Evolution. 1. Halt hunger 2. Hamper hate 3. Vanquish violence 4. DeNuclearize 5. Ceace cancer 6. avoid extinction. 

Concentrate on factors affecting all creatures:  warfare, pollution, toxic waste, chem-trails, electromagnetic radiation, hate or prejudice, financial desperation and social isolation. Governments are destroying dignity: manipulating an international crisis to panic people into paranoid docility.  We must clean up the Nuclear radiation permeating and deteriorating everything:  Rad-brain, Wigner effect, birth defects, depleted uranium, as well as mutating viruses!  I remind everyone Fukushima is still sizzling our ocean and spewing radiation into our atmosphere, therefore---I beg For Funds, references to righteous individuals, competent companies, and intrinsic people.

LOVE our ecosphere: enjoy holistic homeostasis by minimizing the need for Medical intervention.  Absolute Fact: the Covid-19 Virus is so miniscule it fits between the strands of our DNA; testing is invasive (piercing the blood brain barrier) and rather inaccurate for a miniscule virus, while, hunger kills more people daily.  Internationally; every 24 hours 25,000 people die from starvation and another 10,000 die from a lack of good water.  Planet-Earth was created for Well-Fair not War-Fare, we best bake Love-Cake and halt hunger.   I object to governmental restrictive laws: criminally mandating: masks, quarantines, tests, and vaccines, while the manufacturers are free of liability or possible litigation; liberty is an individual decision.  Please advocate a social safety net; stop corporate greed from murdering our biosphere.  With proper precautions our immune systems adapt.  Liberty is our divine right: to socialize and integrate intelligent information; decide our own destiny, the freedom to worship at any where conducting services, to choose our own personal safety protocols, and whether to stay home and self-isolate.  

I thank God, your Mom and Dad for creating you and I considerately appreciate you all; Aloha?friends.

Today: Welfare is essential bacause, Workers of our world: are optional; thanks to computerized mechanization.  A robot outpaces a union brick layer; the machine laying three times more bricks than a human, in an eight-hour shift.  Smart vehicles eliminate the need for professional drivers, and fast-food restaurants can be machine operated without humans.  PLEASE; dignify our destiny so humanity can partake in, Liberty, equality, and freedom!

We can celebrate LIFE and live long: if we coordinate our Love and relationships.  

Hemp for health: I am a Brand Ambassador for Kannaway’s CBDs, CBNs, and CBGs, from pure nonintoxicating hemp oil, some products are infused and energized with Bi-Bong’s ancient Asian ingredients to synergistically regenerate our RNA. www.kannaway.com/6734525  

I excel at excellent experiences:  Whatever your endeavor; I am at your service to supervise, manage, advise, and acquire properties, apartments, businesses, and land to construct ecological buildings to endure a century: www.AbsoluteSupervision.com

I am humble enough to publicly beg for finances: www.venmo.com/Robert-Torres-275

I Teach LOVEvolution and leverage logic publicly on Twitter: www.twitter.com/mr_funsun

Provide Primo financial participation; in #LOVEvolution: www.paypal.me/MrFunsun

I am a channel of universal energy:  I offering enlightenment to prevent human extinction.  My positive energy and total essence is dedicated to harmonious co-existence; to help everyone celebrate LIFE! 

LIFE= Live In a Free Environment!  Less Law equal More Liberty!  I am begging all species, religions, and cultures:  In the Holy Honorable name of:  GOD; Jesus Christ, Allah, the Universal Energy, the Holy Ghost, Positive Vibrations, LOVE,  Logic, Empirical Science, Mother Nature, Karma, Mohamed, Confucius, Buda, Krishna, all prophets of peace, shamans, members of all human groups including the Bahia’s, Gnostics, Agnostics, Vegans, Vegetarians’, and Atheists! Human survival necessitates vanquishing violence; I seek people to help save whales with righteous ecological honest economics and voluntary generous principled businesses!

Decisive decisions generate good will; to thrvive, materially, physically, psychologically and spiritually.  I respectfully request: help improving enviromental and social conditions. To humanize and harmonize my plea for affiliation, association, and affection; allow me to quantify my qualifications. My managing apartments in the getthos and barrios tested me. On Burlington Ave.; Rampart precient in downtown Los Angles, while corrupt cops and gangs dominated the streets. In Baldwin Village, when/where Denzel Washington filmed the movie; 'Training Day” and referred to as The Jungle. End of Wilmington Ave. near the docks of San Pedro, CA I survived being shot. I beseech you for help in relieving our planetary entropy and humanity’s psychoses with a sophisticated solution for survival and social sanity. I dedicate my life dealing with the desperate depression here in America also its deadly crime infested areas and the criminals hurting and robbing. I protected tenants from the crime beat in the ghettos for over a decade as an Apartment resident manager; teaching children to appreciate the state University and avoid the state penitentiary. I survived many near-death experiences with quick responses, good luck, negotiations, and God’s intervention. I sought and seek no revenge; I forgive the culprits, even the guy that shot me with three 45 caliber bulets.  I also endured work with toxic chemicals, and unhealthy environments; my good health today is evidence of vitality and exuburance.

I challenged and transformed the California State University registration fee format. By demanding justice and threatening litigation; my objections were victorious and assisted millions of California students, by reducing registration fees for part-time students: from paying full price, to half price, for six units, which is required to qualify for a US student loan deferment.

JESUS first commandment; “Love your neighbor” is: Absolute sanity. Please evolve true Peace, with LOVEvolution. I promote prosperity, Physical `Health, Financial Health, Psychological Health, and Spiritual Health.  We can analyze, adapt, survive, then thrive, as we generate Global Liberty.

All Lives Matter: thus; I enjoy a Non-violent diet, curtailing cruelty!  You are invited to become vegitarian: sample delicious nutritious food, holistic therapies, and experience the natural Vegan Lifestyle.


Welcome Future Friends: My housemate and I, seek a housing soul-U-tion.

Temporary or long term. Personal: 2 seniors, 1 female cat, old small dog, seek housing or RV camping space; near Temecula CA. 92592.

Thank you for consideration; we wish to coexist harmoniously, establishing planetary sanity. I am 66 years alive: love hemp for health both MMJ and CBD combinations to help health and longevity; practicing Catholic, vibrant ovo-lacto-vegetarian, 33 years dedication serving as an election officer and 25 years volunteering to save the whales. I am contently at your service; I experience life with out any prescriptions or addictions. I have researched for fifty years and I offer options to optimize outcomes. Nancy: my housemate has 70 years; also an ovo-lacto-vegetarian, social drinker, rolls her own tobacco, slightly physically handicapped, retired Federal Postal employee and mail carrier; we can exit our living space to smoke.

Together we can preform a housing miracle: hopefully; near Temecula 92592.

We offer: a mutually beneficial association and affiliation; we Consider all housing proposals whether in exchange for cash, companionship, child comraderie, labor, supervision, rent, or optimally a purchase proposal which is mutually beneficial. We enjoy a LIFE = Living In a Free Environment: a philosophy for prosperous pursuits producing peace loving Earth! We are OxygenAirians; destined to decide on and share a written plan to minimize future shock, revering reality respectfully proclaiming: survival requires a social safety net. With Soulful knowledge; we can enhance our existences and create cohesion. What ever and how ever our situations; we must agree to coexist and strive for: clean air and pure water!



PRIMARILY: My housemate and I are resourcefully have ca$h and can help in many facuets to function contently and healthily.

I am bartering or selling the following items:

  1. 1997 32RQ Winnebago Warrior RV: we want to trade and upgrade. The mechanicals are in fair condition, interior is adequate, but there is damage to the left sides and rear of body. Located in Temecula Ca.

  2. 2004 Kawasaki 1000cc with saddle bags, low mileage, fresh tires.

  3. 2000 Dodge Caravan silver van, decent shape currently NonOp, runs well.

  4. 2003 GMC truck 6 cylinder, with a hard cover for bed, runs well, 170,000 miles, fair shape.

OUR Human right---is to celebrate LIFE.

We can live to enjoy about a century of existence; I have social, emotional and financial solutions, sharing green power with all people, congregating with gratitude. We can: Love all equally economically to generously generate positive energy!


Thank you; we offer to pay a gracious gratuity or commission to any facilitators for a viable connections.

We can send pics of animals and details of intelligent integration.

We are appreciative and gratefully at your service.




I am: Seeking to affect future effect with psychological positive progeny!

In the name of JESUS/GOD/ALLAH-Karma-Universal Energy-Mother Nature:

I Seek con-spiritors fore LOVEvolution and a young lady for marriage/happy family!

Honest Holistic Hometown Human can handle health escort you anywhere 24/7!

Enjoy a Merry Life every day with an Honest Holistic Happy HuMAN!

I respect your ability to help people achieve and enjoy harmonious; Lucrative Longevity.

Honest Holistic Hometown Human; will escort you anywhere. 

Enjoy a Merry Life every day with an Honest Holistic Happy HuMAN!

I respect your ability to help people achieve and enjoy harmonious; Lucrative Longevity.

Magical Mister will share sleep space platonically or plate tectonically. 

Magic is a stress free express; yet, today our global village lacks the miracle of Love.  My offer is for a sleep mate with happy young lady; I love the proximately of a sleep-mate, whether we collide tectonically and/or as spiritual partners.  A Harvard Study found: sleeping alone is equal to smoking two packs of cigarettes a day; thus, I seek a lovely to live long.  I love excellence and together we can excel by improving each others’ existences. My offer for a live in apprenticeship: is dependent on your dedication...absolute assistance; the first 100 days, you help me work my plan for our mutual prosperity.  Then we begin, developing and producing your dreams:  I can tutor you towards tranquility.  I share my sleep space, income and provisions to exist with someone; who desires to develop our business ventures, while promoting peace.  Becoming friends, associates, and each other’s character references for our conscious credibility to evolve and enter merry marriages separately while staying platonic OR, becoming romantically integrated like the tectonic plates of the Earth’s crust colliding and copulating!  We can separately experience exogamy; marrying our social opposites, yet spiritually compatible, for me it could be Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Tiffany Trump, or a beauty like you.  Whomever… we love; we will be best buddies forever; I can love you enough to sea you evolve emotionally, to whatever and whomever you desire.   I can help produce your future, I have extensive experience enjoying life and existing for eternity, whatever your endeavor, we can enhance Earth.  I consider and evaluate; offers for trade, barter, work, lodging, Love, and I appreciate all advice.

I have many ways to earn: one method is managing apartments and supervising properties/businesses.  I can teach you a lot: most are profitable some are pleasurable, for example if you wanted to be a law agent; evasive and pursuit driving, riding motorcycles, jet skis, horses, and weapons training.  Also: Filter and fix the 500 contacts in my phone; updating their opportunities and our possible associations.

Mature Wizard seeks apprentice to locate apartment management or property supervision contracts. We can be associates and living-work-mates to enjoy the benefit of FREE RENT: we collect the tenant's rent and account for it. Please consider, being my affiliate and partner to establish an apartment management and property supervision company.

This opportunity provides flexibility to develop other sources of income while achieving personal goals and career fulfillment.  Management duties require completion not office hours of drudgery; if all units are rented, rent collected, and tenants content, we receive bonuses.  Superlative positions require a TEAM to supervise both administration and maintenance. I promise: I can work and live together joyously; because the joy of a good salary and luxurious living space predicate my desire for progeny.  I am trilingual Spanish, English, and Computer/Legal-ease; I have 10 years experience supervising apartments, motels, and trailer parks, in Southern California. Your abilities and intelligence adds to our corporate appeal; especially if you are fluent in another language.

Young Ladies are more compatible to me; psychologically, philosophically, physically, psychically, and usually politically: because, y’all still believe in miracles.  Existence is pleasant with positive personalities and a mutual desire for lucrative longevity.  Being a team mate facilitates acquiring work: as a Human Resource person advised me; "our firm doesn’t want to hire a solitary person to have the keys to peoples' luxurious apartments".  I promise to cooperate and handle our realty reality with dignity; according to our compatibilities and your desires.

Here are three ways we can prosper: in Real Estate/Apartment supervision;

1. Locate work as partners and be hired as employees, we receive a salary and an apartment to reside in.  Our rent will be free plus a salary which depends on amount of units we manage and our responsibilities.  It is enjoyable being rewarded for: executive honesty while managing fairly and equally.  Some positions have expensive building rents; therefore, housing is too expensive to live there, thus, we earn a generous salary, live off-site and can purchase income properties to own together.

2. Compose Contract work; as Absolute Supervision: my company and then we earn a (2-12%) percentage of the gross collected rents we collect.

3. We can purchase properties with a low down payment deal: we submit a generous purchase proposal with a great interest rate; benefitting seller more than a conventional deal: to qualify and entice owner financing.  We acquire apartment buildings and properties, to earn income and equity; also promising the sellers/owners, to respect current tenants agreements and not raise rents to or convert to condominiums. We develop a cash flow and benefit the owner, vendors, and tenants.  

Also:  I am affiliated with excellent companies; from which you can earn the total sales commissions. 

All conditions are negotiable; we abide according to the promises we establish.  We can exist harmoniously and enjoy life wherever; we care to nurture, dream, and thrive.  I shall respect you and will honor all conditions we agree to.  I exist as an ovo-lacto-vegetarian; a non-violent diet and I appreciate all appetites.  I am 420; drink occasionally, party moderately, celebrating life sanely.

I am a dignified professional: upgrading my career, seeking an effervescent partner. Our mutual cooperation earns us, a new apartment home as we operate a safe functional housing complex that enhances the community.  I am willing to work anywhere in Southern California. I am a 'cultural vulture'; being well researched, I exist with all cultures of people joyfully and I enjoy the best from all ethnicities to promote and establish world peace with prosperity.  I an avid advocate and member of the US GREEN tea PARTY: we must help our global village affect our future effect!   Our SOUL-U-tion is: World #LOVEvolution; end hunger, dissipate hate, vanquish violence, DeNuclearize, and master cancers.  Remember Please: ---JESUS, GOD, Mother Nature, earthly Prophets, scientific ecologists, and philosophical Logicians all agree--- our purpose as Humans is to LOVE our neighbors; preserve Earth, and dignify humanity by baking Love-Cake.  

I can meet you anywhere in Southern California; it is essential that we meet in person and eye to eye to compute our compatibilities for future possibilities. 

Aloha all ways: Peace, Love, and Good Will; to all… especially Global Social nonviolent activists.  Mr-funsun.

p.s.  Together; we can help preserve Earth to avoid human extinction. I enhance balance sheets and heart beats; I help produce peoples' dreams; and maintain contentment.

PLEASE acknowledge:    I promise to adhere to our agreement melodiously: I respect and adore women; my sexual fantasy is to create souls. I never require nor expect sex; although I love feminine sensuality, at this time: I seek; compassionate procreating copulation. Either way platonic or romantic; I can appreciatively respect you prosperously.   I am a content human being: I know seduction begins in a Lady's heart; and if you not attracted to me, I promise to pertinently progress as a coconspirator. 

Whatever your endeavor; my knowledge and connections can enhance your existence as I help you attain and enjoy your dreams/goals. Producing human contentment is intrinsically and more spiritually significant than my romantic love-life.  I strive for prosperity to enjoy longevity and possibly progeny with an optimum functional life-partner/soul-work-help-mate. Therefore, I seek true Love to sustain our health because with affection and proper lifestyle a century of life is attainable.  I seek female friends who are as bold as love and whether we may be amigos,or soul-mates please; I am totally at your service to assist you produce your goals  I seek a romantic relationship and Marriage, I will dedicate all my availability to my soul-help-dream-work-mate/Wife who shall blend our lives.  I enjoy extreme experiences; visit magical places, i love people of diverse cultures, and I absolutely ready for my life-long partner. I am a dignified human ready to accompany you to anywhere, through any circumstances and guide you while being guided by you through life as your friend, associate, husband, fine--source of progeny.

IF Parenthood is possible: I promise; if more convenient, to be house-husband/daycare dad; to change more if not all of the diapers, tend to feedings, teaching logical good behavior. I shall all ways be pleasant; massage you, kiss you, respect you, adoring you from head to toe, comforting our souls with complimentary compassion. Whatever you desire I shall comply; cook, clean, mend, and tend to any situation with a smile. I have the capacity to love unconditionally while promoting synergistic passion to create extraordinary new souls to suppress violent machines/drones/terminators and war-mongering humans. Be courageous and bold as LOVE: contact me in order to expedite enhancing our existences: please e-mail me or look me up: I am serious, sane, and honorable; I promise a safe, confidential and content experience. IF romance is possibility: and you are virginal; I am willing to wait until after Marriage or up to a hundred days after our Honeymoon before we indulge in sexual LOVE!

Thank you: I appreciate your time and consideration. 

We could excel working together and living rent free: as apartment mangers or property/business supervisors; our ethical business principles shall be appreciated and are applicable to any type of enterprize. The current trend for planetary preservation is our opportunity with a clean and green management style to restore the value of our planet and people over profits $.

We shall excel promoting ethics and social dignity with: World #LOVEvolution; Dismantle all nuclear reactors/weapons and end hunger/hate/violence/cancers; to conserve our oxygen and water supply!

I enjoy a productive life and motorcycle at ninety mph to save time and space.

Please respond; if you seek spiritual contentment: if not with me I have many single male and female friends; I am at your service with privilege and pleasure.

I appreciate your existence in all ways; I thank you for considering my proposal for companionship and or ParentHood!

Yes, please pursue your dreams with me, I can Love affectionately and unconditionally.

I offer to help you produce your goals and dreams; whether or not; we are romantically compatible, we can share space, help each other; administratively and economically.
Possibly: Please be my apprentice, secretary, work mate and maybe dream mate.
I respect your ability to help us achieve and enjoy harmonious; Lucrative Longevity.

All conditions are negotiable; we shall abide according to the promises we establish.
1. We can exist harmoniously and enjoy life wherever we nurture, dream, and earn.
2. I shall respect your privacy and will honor all living conditions we agree to.
3. I exist as an ovo-lacto-vegetarian; on a non-violent diet, yet, I appreciate all appetites.
4. I am 420 compatible; I party with moderation to celebrate life with social sanity.
I am a dignified professional: upgrading my career, with you, an effervescent partner. Our mutual cooperation earns us, a new apartment home as we operate a safe functional housing complex that enhances the community. I have the willingness to work anywhere in Southern California. I am a 'cultural vulture'; therefore, being well researched, I exist excellently with all cultures of people joyfully and I enjoy the best from all ethnicities to promote and establish world peace with prosperity. I an avid advocate and member of the US GREEN tea PARTY because: we must help our global village delete diabolical disorientation!
Our SOUL-U-tion is: World #LOVEvolution; first we end hunger, to dissipate hate, then vanquish violence, dismantle nuclear reactor/weapons, and master cancers.
Thank you: I appreciate your time and consideration.
My offer for a live in apprenticeship: is dependent on your dedicated decision.
I evaluate; all offers for barter, work, lodging, Love, and all advice.
Please possibly: Remember; JESUS, GOD, Mother Nature, all earthly Prophets, scientific ecology, and philosophical Logic all try to teach: Humans to LOVE our neighbors; preserve earth and dignify humanity with Love-Cake.
Aloha and Mahalo: Peace and Love; to everyone all ways…

p.s. I am a content human being: I know seduction begins in a Lady's heart; and if  you not attracted to me, I promise to never mention romance and I shall excel at progressing as a work mates and social activists for global sanity.

PLEASE: know: sex is never required nor expected; although I enjoy and love feminine sensuality, however at this time in my life: I am only interested in compassionate procreating copulation. Either way platonic or romantic; I shall graciously appreciate and adore you forever. I promise to adhere to our agreements and exist in melody: I respect and adore ladies; my final sexual fantasy is to create souls.
We need to manage the preservation of our oxygen and water to preclude human extinction. I help enhance balance sheets and heart beats; I produce peoples' dreams; and I assist people to maintain moderation through contentment and healthy habits.

I am a dignified professional: upgrading my career, with an effervescent partner.  Our mutual cooperation equals a new apartment home as we orchestrate a functional housing complex that enhances the community.  I have the willingness to work anywhere in Southern California.  I am a 'cultural curator'; therefore, being well researched, I co-exist with all cultures of people joyfully and I enjoy the best from all ethnicities to promote and establish world peace with prosperity.  I an avid advocate and member of the US GREEN tea PARTY because: we must help our global village avoid destruction!          

Thank you: I appreciate your time and consideration.  My offer for a live in apprenticeship: is contingent on our compatibility.  I evaluate; all offers for barter, work, lodging, Love, and counseling.

Please possibly: Remember; JESUS, GOD, Mother Nature, all earthly Prophets, scientific ecology, and philosophical Logic command: Humans to LOVE your neighbor; end ecocide, and dignify humanity with wellfair and Love-Cake.

p.s. I am a content human being: I know seduction begins in a Lady's heart: thus; if you are not attracted, I promise to forget romance and excel at profitability.  We can help preserve our oxygen and water to preclude human extinction.  I promise to adhere to our agreement and exist in harmony: I respect and adore ladies; my final sexual fantasy is to create babies.  I help enhance existences; produce peoples' dreams; and assist people maintain health through prosperous contentment. 

Complications are threatening human survival and necessitate precautions; unifying to prevent human extinction should include our friendship with possible romance and progeny. I can help you enjoy festivities of life by being an honorable friend/escort facilitating lucrative socialization while enjoying life’s celebrations and I am 420 compatible. I eliminate complications by offering Soul_U_tions 2 any dilemma! I am a wise human being with health and contentment; I love life and female companionship. I am willing to be your best buddy; with or without passion: to accompany you: wherever, whenever, while being confidentially sincere, alert, cordial all ways, and if driving; sober/unimpaired.

Whatever your endeavor; my knowledge and connections can enhance your existence as I help you attain and enjoy your goals. Producing human contentment is intrinsically and spiritually significant than money. I strive for prosperity to enjoy longevity and possibly progeny with an optimum life-partner/soul-work-help-mate. Therefore, I seek true Love to sustain our health because with affection and proper lifestyle a century of life is easy.

I seek female friends who are as bold as love and whether we may be amigos, mutual clients, or soul-mates please; introduce yourself: I am totally at your service to assist you produce your goals of Suncess. Eventually; with whomever I seek a romantic relationship and Marriage, I will dedicate all my availability to my soul-help-dream-work-mate/Wife who shall blend our lives into a spiritual gel.

I enjoy extreme experiences and visit magical places, i existed with many people of diverse cultures, and I absolutely ready to be located by my life-long play-partner. I am a dignified human ready to accompany you to any where, through any circumstances and guide you while being guided by you through life as your best friend, associate, or possible husband and God willing a source of wise healthy progeny.

IF Parenthood is possible: I promise; if more convenient, to be house-husband/daycare dad; to change more if not all of the diapers, tend to feedings, and teaching logical good behavior. I shall all ways be pleasant; massage you, kiss you, respect you, adoring you from head to toe, comforting our souls with complimentary compassion. Whatever you desire I shall comply; cook, clean, mend, and tend to any situation with a smile. I have the capacity to love unconditionally while promoting synergistic passion to create extraordinary new souls to suppress violent machines/drones/terminators and war-mongering humans. Be courageous and bold as LOVE: contact me in order to expedite enhancing our existences: please e-mail me or look me up: I am serious, sane, and honorable; I promise a safe, confidential and content experience. IF romance is possibility: I am willing to wait until after Marriage or up to a hundred days after our Honeymoon before we indulge in sexual LOVE!


At mr-funsun.com, we are constantly looking for ways to improve our association and maybe a customer experience. Stay up-to-date on our latest company news as we evolve into a Corporation, and please possibly; pity my personal quest to experience my final sensual fantasy of procreational sex with my seamen righteously cracking a cosmic egg!

Seat 4 a Lady: GREEN Party 4 #LOVEvolution!
Same difference: Ready 4 summer funsun 2014!
2008 Ready 2 produce dreams and desendants!

Expanded business hours

We are children of GOD: Earth is our playground; therefore, I am all ways available 2 serve you better by uncomplicating problems and enhancing celebrations of LIFE---24/7!

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